6 Acrylic Barrier Uses to Consider


Woman sitting behind an acrylic partition in office

Before the pandemic, acrylic barriers and shields were hardly given much thought—if they were given any thought, or use, at all. Post-pandemic, however, shields and other acrylic barriers are more mainstream as they are a prevalent part of the personal protective equipment (PPE) toolkit. 

Why Should You Consider Acrylic Shield Barriers?

Acrylic barriers include splash guards, sneeze guards, personal shields, and more. Splash guards are used to protect employees from flying debris or splashing liquids when working with hazardous materials. Sneeze guards are used at salad bars and buffets to shield the food from patrons’ or food workers’ respiratory droplets. Personal shields are lighter so they can be worn comfortably while still providing protection. 

Typically made of Polycarbonate, PETG, and acrylic, shields and barriers are versatile as personal protection equipment. The benefits of acrylic barriers—their light weight, optical clarity, and durability—lend themselves to many uses.

Places to Use Acrylic Barriers

The rise of PPE can be seen in a variety of environments in recent years. Here are 6 common places to use acrylic barriers:


One of the most common environments for acrylic barriers is food service. While salad bars and buffets are required to have sneeze guards in place to protect the food from respiratory droplets, acrylic barriers are used elsewhere in restaurants where food is on display, like bakery and dessert tables and counters. To reduce airborne droplets between guests, dining dividers can be placed between tables. They are available as free-standing dividers, tabletop dividers, booth dividers, and even bar top dividers. Lastly, protect your employees by placing a countertop shield or suspending an acrylic barrier from the ceiling to separate the hostess or cashier from patrons. 


Cashier shields at checkouts have become commonplace in a multitude of retail establishments. Clear barriers, such as free-standing dividers, can designate checkout lines while promoting social distancing. They can be easily moved to where they are needed in your space. 


Partitions in open workspaces create separation and protection without inhibiting visibility. The optical clarity of acrylic barriers allow the open work plan to still, well, work as intended. Tabletop dividers can be used on communal tables. Shields can also be suspended from the ceiling to create a divider between an employee and the public in a reception area. 


Acrylic barriers help keep kids healthy In the classroom. Desktop dividers or tabletop barriers can reduce the transmission of germs at communal tables, such as in science labs, libraries, and even the lunchroom. 


Acrylic shields are must-have at registration desks at hospitals and urgent cares. They’re easy to clean and disinfect, which is necessary in that environment to protect both patients and healthcare workers. Face shields are a bit thinner to make them more comfortable to wear but still provide protection from respiratory droplets. 


Ride-sharing services, livery cars, medical transports, and school buses can all benefit from dividers for personal protection. The acrylic barriers can divide the driver from the passenger(s) in the backseat. Or, in the case of a bus, acrylic barriers can separate each row of seats to reduce airborne contagions between passengers.  

Browse Through Acme’s Acrylic Barrier Options

Acme Plastics has a wide selection of acrylic barriers in stock. Our acrylic sheets are perfect for many uses due to their lightweight, optical clarity, and durability. We can custom fabricate acrylic barriers to your specific needs and specs. Contact us for more information.